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Charity Insight
1 February 2024
Support charities where your donation matters most

92% of donations in Singapore are directed towards large charities with annual receipts exceeding $10 million. (MCCY COC Report 2022) This leaves smaller charities, which are often engaged in meaningful and impactful work, with limited resources for marketing and outreach. Consequently, these smaller charities receive less visibility and funding. Conversely, potential donors, such as Members of the Public (MOPs), express a desire to support underfunded charities, but struggle to identify them. How can we bridge this discoverability gap and facilitate connections between underfunded charities and potential donors?
Charity Insight is a charity portal designed to bridge this discoverability gap by providing the public with a centralised platform for discovering underfunded yet impactful charities. By offering detailed insights and information, this portal empowers individuals to make well-informed decisions when choosing charities to support through donations.

Check out our prototype and learn more on our pitch deck.
Potential Impact
More efficient channeling of $3bn annual donations in Singapore (MCCY COC report 2022)
Charities to be able to self populate their own pages - reduces marketing and IT costs associated with setting up separate systems (websites, social media etc.)
Team Members
Zhong Jun