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- Commongovsg
25 January 2021
Helping public officers to find answers and communities across government

See the full deck on Google Slides.
Watch our hackathon video on YouTube!
What is Common.gov.sg
An internal forum for public officers to find answers and communities across government. Common.gov.sg taps into the latent knowledge of 140,000 public service officers, creating user communities to help and learn from each other.
The end goal of Common.gov.sg is to save time & communication overhead for agencies, while accelerating interagency learning & propagation of best practices across the government
What was the most challenging part of this project?
Probably time! We started this project with only about 8 days to go and implemented it in 2-3 days.
Fun facts!
One interesting finding:
That there's a lot of variety even within enterprise collaboration or social tools, and that they optimise for different purposes
Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey and we hear you!